How Small Businesses can Start with Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Grow with Digital Marketing?

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Back in the ‘60s, there was no sophistication as everything was done by feel, without any guarantee that accounts would stay loyal to their agencies. Most often at the agency’s expense, accounts would be taken out for dinner/drinks and nudging contacts to introduce their colleagues.

Fortunately, a lot has changed in account-based marketing today.

With the introduction of marketing automation and digital marketing services like paid search, social media, small businesses can leverage the benefits of ABM- marketing as a service is being automated at scale such that marketers can do more with less.

The new account-based marketing for small businesses aided by technology offers things like,

  • Powerful predictive analytics for ideal customer profiles,
  • Updated and fresh contact data,
  • Targeted advertising through LinkedIn,
  • Website personalization, and
  • Management and tracking tools (some are mentioned in this blog).

How to Get Started with ABM?


To read more: How Small Businesses can Start with Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Grow with Digital Marketing?

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